Thursday, December 15, 2011

An Act of God

I know it's been a gazillion years (or really, just a few months) since I lasted posted, but I just had to share this story of triumph. Or more appropriately, a story about how the Lord really does care about the little things in our hearts.

*Side-note: For the record, my mind is constantly a-swirl (I made this term up) with things I'd like to blog about. There's so much going on, especially with Josiah growing so fast and learning new things every single stinkin' day, but I just can't seem to find time to sit down and type it all out and gather the pictures for it. Call it laziness or call it busy living the life I wanna write about. Either way, we're still alive and I still love to blog. Even if it is only in my mind.

*Side-note: That was a long side-note.

Now, for the story.

Only a few minutes ago, out of a moment of desperation and with my breath held and fingers crossed, I pulled my pre-pregnancy jeans out of the closet and put them on.

It's true. I did.

I don't know what got into me or why on earth I might have become so delusional. I guess, it's like I said; it was a moment of desperation.

You see, I have been working so very hard (and still not as hard as I'd like) to lose weight and to be healthy again. And I've actually had some success. Which is always a bittersweet thing. You know, sweet because I'm losing weight. Yay! But bitter because I have not one single pair of pants that fit. Boo! And Christmas is only around the corner. Which is a great thing, cuz I know Santa is bringing Momma some shopping money. But what exactly am I supposed to wear until then? There are only so many places a grown woman can wear pajama pants.

Okay, truly there are NO places a grown woman can wear pajama pants. I places.

So, here I am in my room, breath held and fingers crossed. Jeans in hand. I even gave myself a little pep-talk. I honestly didn't expect them to go past my knees.

But they did. And then they went past my hips and know...butt. Okay, so I could pull them up. But there's no way they'll button. Or if I can button them, that I'll still be able to breathe. But they did button. And I could breathe. What?!?!

They fit?

Are you kidding me? I'm still way bigger than when we got pregnant. And it may all sound dramatic, but I really have had such a hard time losing weight after having my precious son.

And before you go and sign me up for America's Next Top Model, let's just get one thing straight. Besides, the fact that I'm short and they don't like short girls, these pre-pregnancy jeans weren't exactly a size 2. Or 8. Or even a 10.

(Now I've gone and over-shared.)

Let's just be honest here, folks. Momma still has a looooooooooong road to travel to Healthyville. But I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it, I say.

And it's only with the help of the Lord. Which is why I say this little incident is an act of God. Because it really and truly and honestly is. He's the One whose Spirit compels me to be disciplined. And it's His kindness that reminds me that I have a beautiful family to live a long time for.

So, I guess that's why, out of ALL the many, many stories or anecdotes or updates on life I could've shared, I just had to share this one. Because I must give glory to God for His grace in my life.

**There are no pictures to post with this story. Your imagination is probably a lot more forgiving than the actual scene. At least, that's what I'm hoping.