Friday, May 21, 2010

What To Do When You're F.O.B.* for 4 Days...

...and your computer has been attacked by an army of viruses.
...and your husband is gone for hours at the wedding YOU were supposed to be coordinating.

*F.O.B. means "Flat On Back" (because you don't know when to say "when" and you overdo it sending your lower back into a major pain-filled spasm).

1. Stare at the ceiling fan and make a mental note to clean it when you feel better. (And then completely "forget" about said mental note because you have to spend the next 3 days catching back up with all the life that kept on going while you were laid up.)

2. Do LOTS of stretches.

3. Spend 15 minutes trying to get into a comfortable position. Then get up again because you can't stay in the same place for too long because everything will get stiff again. Start over with trying to get comfy.

4. Pray...a lot.

5. Watch "What Not To Wear." (Because husband is gone.)

6. Write a story.

7. Draw up (very) basic, almost kid-like plans for the house of your dreams.

8. Pray that the LORD would give you said house.

9. Reconnect with old friends and be super excited about the beauty in their lives. (love you, my sweet Tabby Cakes!)

10. Watch a movie that husband hates. (Again, because husband is gone.)

11. Re-read old magazines.

12. Cry a little from the pain, but mostly because you want husband to come back home already (with a HUGE piece of that wedding cake.)

13. Plan the bridal shower you're hosting in your home next week.

14. Try not to freak out about how in the world your house is gonna company-ready in a week if you can barely move.

15. Memorize some Scripture. (Mostly the ones about healing.)

16. Make a list for your birthday. (So what, if it's still four and half months away.)

17. Coach your sweet sis-in-law through her planning her wedding. (You're almost there, sister!)

18. Make a grocery list for husband.

19. Plan what to do to make it up to husband for all the enormous ways he's bent over backward for you the last 4 days. I mean, really. It's gotta be something good. Cuz, he's done dishes 5 times, he did the laundry, went grocery shopping, made a pallet for you on the floor so you could watch TV, picked it back up again because it wasn't really comfortable, put it back down again because you were really just sick of being back in that bedroom, made you breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, fetched this and that, and took you to the chiropractor and even asked what he could do to relieve some of your pain and woke up at 5am when you couldn't bring yourself to get close enough to kill the huge, giant, nasty roach in the bathroom. (Anyone reading got any ideas???)

20. Make plans for how to change your lifestyle starting NOW so that this doesn't become a lifetime thing.

21. Give thanks to the LORD for when the muscles finally begin to loosen and you start to regain some mobility.

Hope this helps you! :)


  1. so sad you were laid up so long. You certainly don't have the time to be FOB !
    Hope you're better.
    (PS thanks for the comment, I deleted it though! oops.. )

  2. Katey, you are beautiful! :) Praying you get better so soon.
