Friday, March 25, 2011

Grasshoppers and "Tretzels"

Here's just a small sample of a long conversation that I had with a very "interesting" little 2 year old boy today:

K: Graham, do you know what I found on my front door this morning?

G: Yeah. (Meaning he wants to know.)

K: Can you guess?


K: There was a big, green grasshopper on my door.

G: Why?

K: I don't know, Graham. I guess he was trying to get inside my house.

G: Plobly he was sitting on the couch waiting to meet someone.

K: (Laughing quite heartily...) You think he was sitting on the couch? Who do you think he was waiting for?

G: Umm...I don't know. Maybe Aunt Janet. (This was the first time I'd heard this name.)

K: Oh, Who is Aunt Janet and why was the grasshopper sitting on my couch, waiting for her?

G: Umm..plobly because the ants are hungry. The ants are very, very tiny and they want some cake to eat. And some tretzels (pretzels).

I mean, really, the conversation continued for another 5 minutes in this very weird direction. And as much as I tried to make sense out of what he was saying and even get him to think in reality, he kept coming up with the most random stuff. What an imagination!

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