Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

Wednesdays are normally my VERY, VERY long days and therefore, I typically have a hard time enjoying them as much as I have enjoyed this particular Wednesday. Don't get me wrong, I still usually enjoy Wednesdays, it's just that by the time I'm climbing into bed (quite the comedy act these days, folks), I can't remember anything that might have been enjoyable about it.

So therefore, I decided I should celebrate this momentous occasion by expressing all the little things that made my day wonderfully pleasurable.

1. Waking up this morning just a minute or two before my alarm went off...and actually being awake and ready to get out of bed! (Not normally something enjoyable for me or other human beings, but I was truly amazed and thankful that the Lord had supernaturally blessed me with more energy than normal.)

2. A really sweet time with the Lord this morning while eating breakfast and on my way to work.

3. How chilly it was this morning. Again, another blessing from the Lord, seeing as how I'm huge and out-of-control hormones cause me to be HOT every moment of every day.

4. Another hilarious conversation with an awesome little boy. I had to stifle a lot of laughter. Maybe another post for another day. Or maybe might not be appropriate for this particular venue, But if you find yourself around me in the next few days, you might hear about it.

5. Taking a sweet nap under cool sheets.

6. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL AFTERNOON WEATHER! And getting to enjoy it being outside, hunting for lizards and spending quality time with 2 of my very favorite loves. I get super emotional thinking about how in a few weeks I won't get to be with them every week for a couple months. But now is not the time for sadness.

7. Their mom coming home a little early. Which just simply means that I didn't have to sit in an hour's worth of traffic. It's amazing what just 15 minutes during rush hour will do.

8. Sweet new music on the short commute home.

9. Bringing home a few stems from my boss's gorgeous rose bush. (She cut them off for me...I did not thieve them.) We used to always have fresh flowers in our home, but haven't in a really long time. You know, because of how our expenses have suddenly multiplied in the last few months. Something about getting ready for another human being, I guess.

10. Old school Willy Wonka on TV. "If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it." I honestly thought when I was little that the candy room was what Heaven would be like. It blows me away to think it'll be so much more than that!

11. Feeling my child trying to bust his way out of my womb...through my belly button. He doesn't ever kick...he butts. And he butts hardcore. And as uncomfortable as it can sometimes be, I always relish his movements thoroughly. I know I'll miss it in a matter of a few weeks. (A few WEEKS??? EEK!)

12. My thoughtful, darling husband bringing me a bowl of his green salsa (addicted!), some chips and a glass of iced tea to snack on while he cooks dinner.

13. My darling, thoughtful husband.

14. His green salsa.

15. The fact that he brought me iced tea. He is the caffeine nazi, y'all. This spoke volumes of love to me.

16. My thoughtful, darling husband cooking me dinner.

**Those were all just such a big deal that I needed to go ahead and give them second mention of their own.

17. Getting random packages in the mail for our little guy. I had no idea how much fun this would be!

18. A spontaneous evening of nothing-ness, but getting to sit on the couch next to my aforementioned darling husband and watch cooking my jammies.

The night is still young and I'm sure there's more to be enjoyed, but I plan on going to bed early...something else that deserves celebration.

The only thing that I can think of that I don't particularly care for is that this post has zero pictures. But seriously, after all that...who cares?

What have you enjoyed about this glorious day?

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