Saturday, May 12, 2012

Congratulations Doesn't Even Begin To Cover It

This time of year is always such a bittersweet time when you work in college ministry. You have 3-5 years to build a relationship with someone; to allow your lives to be intertwined with theirs; to carry their burdens and celebrate their victories. You become family with them. Sometimes even closer than an actual family member.

All this time spent has the express purpose of helping them figure out who they are to become; in society and in Christ.

You encourage them to go to class and to study. And to make choices that are eternally invested. And it all leads up to the one day when they will graduate from college and be a member of the "Real World." (Not the atrocious show, but actual life.)

Yesterday and today marks this bittersweet time for several of my dear friends. Graduation day. And while I could easily devote an entire post to each of these and what their lives and friendships have meant to me, I only have time for a short explanation.

I'll start with Becca since I met her more recently. Here she is with my 6 day old son.

This girl is so near and dear to my heart. From the moment I met her, I knew deep in my heart that she was a rare breed of Godly Woman. She absolutely refuses to settle for mediocre and her every action exudes godliness. I'm so grateful for the specific ways the Lord has intertwined her life with mine. Her friendship means the world to me.

And her story isn't as bittersweet because she's staying with us for a little longer while she continues her education at UH!!!! Yay! Becca, we get to be sisters again!

Next is Emily.

I've told her this story before and I think it kinda freaked her out a little, but hopefully, looking back, she can see just how true it was.

I met Emily in the beginning of the Spring semester of 2010. The Fall semester had been a rough one for us. We had prayed the Summer before that the Lord would send us the people that no one else wanted or would love. And he did. We met many people that were a challenge for us. And the good news is that they all, though they were a little (or a lot) rough around the edges, met with the Lord and became beautiful people. But by the end of the Fall semester we were exhausted and hadn't yet seen the fruit of our tears and prayers and time spent.

We were sitting, talking about this and someone very wise spoke up and said, "This time, let's pray for a few who already love the Lord and will be an encouragement to us and will join us to fight along side us for these souls." So we did.

And then we met Emily. And we all knew immediately that she came to UH just at that moment in time to be a breath of fresh air and an encouragement. And she has been that and so much more to us. But to me, personally, she has been such a faithful friend. And I've watched her go from someone who, indeed, loves the Lord with all her heart, to someone who is committed to the growing of His Kingdom. Emily graduated yesterday and is leaving to continue her education as well. But there's always a home for her in my heart. From now on, anything that happens in Chi Alpha at UH will be directly because of her and her choice to honor the Lord with her time at school.

Emily, you did it! You didn't think you could, but you did. And you did it well! The Lord must be pleased by you.

And now, for someone I've known a lot longer than these others. And truly someone I could write a book full of stories and ways she's impacted my life. But I think she'd rather me show up to celebrate her graduation today than sit here all day writing about it. So, it'll have to be brief.

Allison, you have become to me what it really means to be a sister. I so much admire and respect you in the things of God. You have proven that the Lord has a firm and very specific call on your life to minister to those that many would write off as useless. You have the most tender heart of anyone I've ever known and He has used that quality to touch the hearts and lives of so many. But the most exciting and encouraging thing is that what you've accomplished for His Kingdom, is only a mere scratch. I truly believe you are making history. I absolutely believe it...with all my heart. You are changing lives and changing the way other people view those lives and it will change our world. You are such a big deal to me and I love what you have become.

There will be jokes for the next how-many-ever years about you being the first to continue your education and be the smartest in the family. But the truth will be that we're all profoundly proud and deeply honored to know you.

I love you, Sister. 
I love all of you. And I realize there are others who graduate this weekend and I'm probably leaving out some that do mean a lot to us. But these are on my heart this morning and I just wanted to honor them for their faithfulness and love to me.

Congratulations! Happy Graduation!

1 comment:

  1. katherine joy! you bring joy to my heart! and it is a pleasure to get a peak into your life and ministry at the university. blessings and kudos for a job done faithfully. you make a difference.
