It seems like y'all appreciate my honesty. So, here's another honest statement for your day:
I'm really whiny and needy and I have a problem with thinking I don't have enough of ALL the things I need. No, really. I constantly have a running list in my head (or written somewhere) of the many, many items that we're out of or that we need to get. You'd be so annoyed if you heard how many times I said/thought, "If I just had __________________ my life would be so.much.better. How do I know you'd all be annoyed? Because I'm annoyed with it...and I'm me.
This about sums up the truth.
Am I right?
So...why am I saying all this? Because I really have noticed my lack of gratefulness for the thousands upon thousands of things I do have. I've noticed a shift in my thinking that I've had to actually make the effort in changing. When I get all "Woe is me! Everybody has all the things and I have none of the things and my life is so lacking and miserable" I look around and take note of all the things I do have that do make my life better or easier.
Hence, this post of some of my recent favorite things as they relate to making my life better and/or easier in terms of pregnancy. Basically, this is an attempt at me realizing how much I have to be grateful for.
**Note...there is a lot of mention of things. As in, material possessions. Items that can be purchased. With money. Which seems to be leaking out of our back pockets these days. Which is why it feels like we have none. And no money means the buying of no things. My life is actually made richer by the many, many wonderful, beautiful, eternal relationships I have. Not things. BUT...sometimes having things can make a person feel like they're happier...even if only temporary. Which is usually the case. Anyway...not sure where this rabbit-trail is headed, but I felt the need to say that I value human relationships so much further above concrete, inanimate objects. And I'm ever-so aware of all that I have in my (non-material) possession that make my life so beautiful. The end. **
Moving on...
1. This yogurt. So good. And perfect for those mornings when I need a quick breakfast that has some nutritional value, but don't have time for my beloved scrambled eggs with sauteed mushrooms. And cheese. Just being honest. Cheese is goooood.
2. Paired with the above-mentioned yogurt, these varieties of granola. Both found at Trader Joe's. So much yum.
3. These protein (?) bars. They've been so great to just throw in my purse. I'm at that point in pregnancy where I'm not necessarily ravenous all the time anymore, but I do get some wicked heart burn if I go just a little too long without something in my belly. I can never eat a whole one in one sitting, but I'll take a few bites to fill me up before heading into church or a meeting or something where I know it may be awhile before I can eat. They're also perfect for a pre-workout snack in the early mornings before I've had a chance to make my normal breakfast.
4. Tums. These are not food. And they are not my favorite. But they do fall into the category of making my life better. Can a pregnant woman OD on tums?
1. These t-shirts from Target. I have one in black and one in white and they get worn several times a week. Probably too many times. But they are so versatile. And they're just about all I have that still semi-covers the belly for public outings. And sadly, it seems like they're shrinking up on me. Must be the darn dryer. (cough, cough)
2. These shorts. They have been the single best purchase, most utilized piece of clothing this whole pregnancy. And you know what? I got them at a thrift store. For four bucks. Boom. They totally give me away as a mom, but I don't even care. They're shorts. And they're generally comfortable. And they can be worn in public.
3. These shorts (in black) are also helpful. My mother in law got them for me from Walmart. They're just a size bigger than normal, but because they have a drawstring, they sit comfortably. I mostly wear them to work out or run quick errands...or when my very favorite pair of shorts are being washed. Which leads me to...
4. These shorts. They have my heart. And my rear. I actually got them last summer (from that same thrift store, believe it or not) and I could've sworn I would have already out-grown them by now. But...nope. They just keep doing their job of keeping me cool and comfortable. I live in these shorts. I sleep in them. They are the last thing I take off when I need to get "dressed" (for public) and the very first thing I put back on as soon as I get home. I love 'em. Can't live without 'em.
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These aren't the exact ones, but very similar. |
*Side note: Apparently, I wear quite a bit of black. Camouflage of pregnancy. And other times.
5. These bra-extenders. Getting a little personal up in here. I didn't have need of anything like this during the last pregnancy, but apparently my ribs are expanding. They come in a package of three and have made me so much less grouchy. My sports bra, especially, was really ticking me off. Which was unfortunate, because it wasn't like I needed any more excuses to not workout during this hellish-hot, I'm-a-whale summer. But the extenders to the rescue!
1. This lady. Or gentleman. Window units typically do not have a gender. But this one...oh, this one is like my bestest friend. We hang out together all day, every day. You could never know (none of you...not even you, Mom) the impact she (I guess it's a she) has had on my life in these few short weeks. My attitude is better. My health is better. Even my energy levels are better because of her. I hurry home to get to her. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is go to her and turn her on. I just can't say enough about her. She's my second favorite girl in the whole world. And now that I know she's a she, she needs a name. Any suggestions? I'm thinking Elsa. ;)
2. This app. It's so fun! I can track how much water I've consumed in a day (a lot), count those precious little kicks from my first favorite girl in the whole world, look up just about any topic relating to pregnancy, check if a medication is safe, the list goes on! It even has some yoga stretches and acupressure tips.
3.This lady. Okay, really...the lady, herself kind of annoys me. I'm sorry. She does. Maybe it's all the endorphins flowing throughout her veins, but she's a little too perky for me. I mean...look at her face. I usually roll my eyes at her no less than 3 times per workout. BUT...her workouts are so great for low-impact pregnancy exercise. And there are a ton of them on Youtube...for free. (There are some on HULU too, but only portions of a workout, not the whole thing.) I'll try to do a 2 mile walk at least once or twice a week and a one mile a few other days when it's raining or too hot outside to walk the park (read: most days).
That about sums up this edition of My Life Really Isn't So Miserable Because I Have These Things to Help Me.