Monday, August 18, 2014

A Few Monday Things

Be prepared for the outpouring of several unrelated (or so I thought) and irrelevant thoughts from my brain.

  • Today is Monday. It seems as if Mondays are just tough all across the board, no matter what your industry is. Not sure what it is about Monday. Can't trust that day. (Name that tune...shouldn't be too hard.)

  • I'm 37 weeks pregnant today. That used to be considered full-term, but the same authorities who say pregnant women can't eat anything but spinach leaves and organic apples have also decided full-term is now 39 weeks. Whatever. I'm claiming full-term today. AND...I'm celebrating this phenomenal accomplishment with an extra cup of coffee, some sushi and a ride on a roller coaster. (Just kidding...but not about the extra cup of coffee. It is Monday after all...we've been through this already.) But seriously. How in the world am I already this pregnant? How has that much time already passed and how is it that I could pretty much give birth any day now? It's a weird mixture of me feeling that much more exhausted at the thought (a total mind-game) and feeling overwhelmingly grateful and relieved. I could have this kid today and she would most likely be totally fine and healthy. Such a big deal and I just don't want to take it for granted. Thank you, Jesus. And also...please, Jesus, don't let her come today. It's Monday. Every other day of the week is fiiiiiiiiiiine. Yeah.

I'm sensing a theme brewing.

  • Why, you ask, am I so reluctant to having a baby today? Well...because my house. If you could only see it. I was having a conversation with my sister in law earlier today where she told me she doubted that my house was really in a state of chaos. I sent her these pictures. 

Scary, huh? The first two pictures are my living room right now. And only a portion. We are swimming in little girl clothes and baby stuff and unnecessary furniture (anybody wanna buy some couches or an antique dining room table???). It's so wonderful a problem to have, really. We just don't have anywhere else to put it all right now. The last picture is the "nursery" that Matt is working so hard to get painted and cleaned out, but keeps getting interrupted. I did not send her a picture of the dining room or my son's room or the garage or the kitchen. For the first time in all of married life together, our bedroom is probably the cleanest room of the house. 
I try to not get too stressed out when I look at all that and think of how we have less than 20 days to go and back to school madness is beginning in less than 2 days. At least we have the bare minimum needed to bring home a baby. We have a bassinet set up in our room and we have diapers and wipes. Probably should get that car seat installed and some of her clothes washed. Eh. It'll get done at some point.

Oh, the joys of doing this the second time around. So much less pressure to have every little thing in order. 

  • I'm happy to announce that the next bag I have to pack (for myself) is my hospital bag. We've gone somewhere or have been out of town for something or have spent the night in so many different places this whole summer and it's Well, it was for a time and to a certain extent. I'm just so exhausted of living out of a suitcase. But the time has come to finally settle down...for a couple weeks. Which is actually a good chunk of time compared to the rest of the summer. 
I think that's enough. I told you it'd all be irrelevant. 

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