Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Suspense is Killing Me

It's so funny. I'm pretty sure I get a text message or phone call or Facebook post, etc. on a daily basis (often multiples in one day) asking if I've had the baby yet or telling me they can't wait or something along those lines.

And I'm pretty sure I've lost count of how many times in a day I say something to the effect of, "When is he gonna get here?!" Or "I just wish I knew when it was gonna happen!" (It kills me that I can't write his birthday down in my calendar...I'm a planner, folks.)

And of course, we got the Grandmas calling on a regular basis. Which is definitely a good thing. (I know you're reading this, Mom.) ;)

I guess I just wasn't expecting so much anxiousness to come from Baby-Daddy. There have been several times when he's said something to me like, "I just want him to be here already." Or like yesterday at our doctor's appointment (hopefully the last!), I asked him if he wanted to look at the ultrasound pictures and he said, "Sure, I guess. But I'm just ready to see his real face and not some fuzzy image."

I'm telling you...the suspense is killing me. Us.

And not just when he'll come, but so many other questions run through my mind throughout the day.

What will it be like? Will he come quickly or will it take 87 hours?
Will he get the hang of feeding quickly or will we have to fight through it?
Will he have a full head of hair? Will it be curly like Mommy's or dark and straight like Daddy's?
Will he be left-handed like Daddy or right-handed like Mommy?
Will he be one of those super friendly kids that just come to random people and smile? Or will he be shy and we'll have to urge him to say Hi to people?
What will his personality be like?
Will he be laid-back and chill like Daddy or high-strung and awkward like Mommy?
Will he be a Mommy's boy or Daddy's little buddy? (Hopefully both!)

Will he have a heart for the things of God early on?
Will he thrive in the life of ministry?
Will he be like Josiah in the Bible and always walk in the ways of the Lord and never turn to the right or to the left?

All of these are questions we have constantly. And only time will tell. I can't wait to get to know him. I can't wait to figure out all his little quirks like I would with any new friend I meet. I know it'll take some time for us to get to know each other, I'm just ready to get this thing started!

In the meantime, I'll leave you with one of the main questions we (and others) have:
Who do you think he'll look most like?

Like Daddy?Or like Mommy?

P.S. I asked Jack (my favorite 4 year old) today if he thought Josiah will look like me or Matt. After thinking for a second, he simply said, "Nobody." I asked him what he meant. He said, "He'll just look like Josiah."
From the mouths of babes.

1 comment:

  1. i think he'll be a perfect combination of you both. I love looking at Ben and seeing Bill and also myself. You are about to be blessed with the most precious gift God can give you and i'm soooo excited for you both!!! Watching his little personality appear will be so fun for y'all and it truly is the most amazing thing watching them grow into their own little selves. Jack is so right...he'll just look like Josiah and i can't wait to meet the little man!!!!
