Tuesday, March 11, 2014

11 and 12 weeks

*Original Post Date: 02.25.14*

How Far Along: 12 weeks today (02-25-14)

Size of Baby: 11 weeks, a green olive...12 weeks, a lime

Gender: Still a couple months away from knowing. Seems like most people say girl.

Movement: maybe? I think I'm making it up though. SO anxious to get to that part!

Maternity Clothes: I have a bone to pick with Penney's. And since I'm positive they read this blog faithfully, I'm just gonna let 'em have it right here and now! I have quite a bit of money in gift cards/store credit to Penney's left over from Christmas that I still haven't used because I had that strong feeling I might be needing some maternity clothes in the near future. I'm honestly not a huge fan of Penney's, but I did get a bunch of maternity clothes from them three+ years ago that suited my needs well beyond the 4th trimester. There isn't a Penney's anywhere near us, but I finally got a smidgen of time yesterday before picking Josiah up from school to hop into the one near his school. I'm desperate for some better jeans...have been for weeks! And a few new tops would be fun to have too, right? So, after walking my butt all over that store trying to find the maternity section, I finally asked someone and she told me they didn't have one. Disappointment. I came home, got my "Googliator"out (that's for you, Nicole!) and eventually discovered that no JCPenney's within a 50 mile radius has a maternity section in the store. The only way for me to buy maternity clothes from them is to order from their insanely slim (and ugly) pickings online. Are you kidding?!?! What makes one think it's okay to expect a pregnant woman to just blindly order something online that she's supposed to feel beautiful in for the next 9+ months year of her life??? And what if said woman doesn't have the time or energy to travel all over the great metropolis of Houston to find a store that will accept the return when it's sure to look awful?  So, now I'm left with a ton of money to Penney's and nothing I want there and a great need for clothes that fit and no money to speak of to get any. Bummer.
Clearly, I'm not excited about this situation. And I apologize for my lack of peppy, positive, silver-lining attitude in the matter. It's a bit frustrating. Maybe I'll get over it. Someday. When I get some pants that fit and don't cost the equivalent of fancy new stroller.

Mood: Did you read that whole last paragraph/novel? I've been cranky. And I haven't been great at hiding it or taming it. Not sure if I can totally blame this on the baby or if it's really due to some less-than-ideal circumstances in life right now that I haven't effectively taken to the Lord. Maybe a combination of both.

Sleep: Could be better. Could be worse. Only getting up once to potty. But I've been waking up feeling less than rested every morning. That might also be adding to some of that grumpiness I've been wearing. 

Cravings: Fruit snacks! Sweets!

Aversions: Corn. And pretty much anything made with corn. Kinda weird.

What I'm Missing: Pants that fit. And energy. And a kind, sweet attitude.

Symptoms: Tears seem to be my main sign of being pregnant lately. I'm not a crier, so that's pretty weird for me. Also, crazy hip pain and ridiculously, intense headaches. The hip pain will move from one hip to the other every day and either be inside pain or outside. Never had this with Josiah and definitely thought it wasn't really common until later in the game, but I've been proven wrong. Some of my girls say my hips must be "splitting." Ouch!

Best Moment This Week: Week 11 was getting to enjoy acting pregnant in public and not worry about who sees or knows prematurely. Week 12 was getting to see that little nugget on the screen at my appointment. It was a bonus, due to that painfully scary moment when the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat. It's only a few moments, but SO MANY tragic thoughts can pour in in such a small amount of time. She reassured me that it was because I was still pretty early on and she didn't know where exactly the baby was located. So as a consolation for my 15 seconds in fear, I got to see my sweet babe jumping all over the place in my womb. Let's just say...I've been inspired to cut back a little on my caffeine intake. But not really. 
This is the pic I texted to those who were a little too distant to break the news in person.
And this is how we made the news public to the world-wide interwebs. It was Valentine's Day and I had the caption, "My funniest Valentine and my littlest Valentine." Love this guy's new "cheese" face.

Looking Forward To: The end of this "beloved" first trimester and getting back some energy I so desperately need. 

Daddy's Involvement: Remember when I mentioned that I've been a bit of a pill the last couple weeks? Yeah...guess who's had to take the brunt of it. He's been pretty good at diffusing the situation and just laughing at me. It's risky, cuz sometimes he gets hit and sometimes I just have to laugh too. 

Big Brother's Involvement:Pretty minimal. But ever-so-often, he'll randomly mention the baby in Mommy's tummy. And when prompted, he'll say hi to it. But that's about it. And I have a feeling that it'll stay similar to that until we have a gender, a name and more information.

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