Thursday, March 13, 2014

Currently... Spring Break Edition

Well, looky here! I do have other things to write about other than the details of this pregnancy. I also have a bit of extra time I don't usually have to express myself here. So, here's a fun, little format to narrow down some of my current thoughts.

I am Currently:

1. Thinking...about nothing in particular, honestly, except how grateful I am. Grateful that the sun has been shining the last few days with that still loveable chill in the air. Grateful that we get to have such great quality time with family and that they live close enough to see often (the grandparents, anyway. All our brothers and sisters live too far away. Boo.). Grateful to have the chance to just sit and do nothing, go nowhere and see nobody for a couple days. I'm totally a city girl through and through, but my heart just yearns for the quiet, slow pace of the country ever-so-often. Grateful that we had such wonderful people spend part of their Spring Break to come and work on our home to make it a little more liveable. Grateful to work with such wonderful people who gave up part of their Spring Break to serve and love people who don't always get to experience the love of God. Grateful for my sweet boy who challenges me to sharpen my imagination. Grateful for my husband who is attentive and caring of my needs.wants/desires. Grateful to know and love and serve a God who makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside quiet waters and refreshes my soul. Grateful. 

2. Enjoying...just sitting around, doing nothing and taking three different naps today. I have no shame about it either. Not only is it my first real full day of "Spring Break," but I'm also pregnant and have been needing that extra rest. Sometimes you just need a brief change of pace and break in the routine.

3. Feeling...perfectly full from dinner. We've had a few BIG dinner nights this last week and I've definitely regretted it. Tonight was a good eating night.

4. Wearing...old yoga pants, a tshirt and my hair in a bun. Classic "no shower, no go anywhere" outfit.

5. take a shower. And brush my teeth. Judge me all you want, but it's my Spring Break. And if I want to let my personal hygiene go a little, then you should just be glad you don't have to see me this way.  ;)

6. Wanting...nothing at the moment, really. Kinda feels nice to be wanting nothing when it seems to always feel like I have a VERY long list of "wants." "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."

7. the background noise of a college basketball game. This is historically a very integral part of every Spring Break. I mean...March a house full of basketball players and a coach. Nothing else on the tv the whole time. I may pay occasional attention, but not really.

8. effort to write about something other than this wonderful pregnancy. It IS quite a big deal to me and totally does consume much of my life, as is appropriate for a something so dependent to do. But I have SO MUCH else going on in my mind and heart all the time. Right now, I have nothing else going on besides sitting and enjoying the chance to rest and relax. So...that's what I'm writing about.

9. Eating...(just finished) a warm brownie with some Bluebell Homemade Vanilla. It's moments like these that I'm even more grateful that I live in the south.

10. Drinking...not enough water. Trying. And I usually love water and only drink it (and coffee, of course), but I've really been struggling to get enough lately. 

What are you currently doing? 

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