Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Real Estate Roller Coaster

My husband and I have a (used to be) very fun habit of watching tons of home-buyers shows on HGTV. We could truly sit for hours making comments and comparisons on the different houses, the people buying and their various lists of must-haves. The one thing they almost all have in common is that they always "whine" of how much an emotional roller coaster home-buying really is. We really used to make fun of them because we thought they shouldn't be making such a huge decision with their emotions anyway.

Can I just say that the last couple months...and more specifically...the last two days have had us both eating our words and even choking on them a bit.

I'll try to spare you the details. Matt and I have been looking at houses since the beginning of the year. We've looked at probably 10 and absolutely fallen in love with 1. It was very quickly sold before we could even say, "down payment." So, this past Sunday after church, we sacrificed our ritual Sunday-Afternoon-Nap in the name of Obama's $8,000 gift. We had 1 house to look at on the agenda.

It was ugly. Disgusting. Trashed. I wanted to cry...and vomit. No lie. Why? Because I knew even before we got out of the car that my darling husband was gonna buy it if he could. I walked around the massive (and did i mention it was trashed?) building with a half-smile plastered to my face while the owners sat staring at us as we opened their closet doors and pulled back their curtains. I don't have a single clue of what it costs to fix this or redo that, but out of nowhere numbers just began filling my head. There's no way.

After a few minutes of curling up in the fetal position in a not-so-clean corner of the house, our realtor, her daughter (a friend of mine) and my husband began talking me down off the ledge. They tried to help me imagine what it could be if we just did some hardcore cleaning and painting. (I wish that was really all this house needed.)

Before I knew it, we were driving home and talking about putting in an offer. Okay, you'll have to excuse me in advance here, because I truly haven't the foggiest idea what is involved in buying a house. We talked about the certain conditions the sellers would have to agree to in order for us to be able to go through with it. We went home. And I napped. I told the LORD as I put my head down on my pillow that I didn't wanna do anything that that HE wasn't in. So, if this was the right house, it was gonna have to be crystal clear. I slept restfully.

Until our realtor called me. The seller had accepted our offer and ALL of our conditions. Umm...excuse me. We hadn't actually even put in an offer. She had just called to see what the chances were. Turns out the chances were spot on. We drove to our realtor's house to sign the contract. My eyes were glazed over the entire evening...and on into the next day.

I started dreaming of all that needed to be done to get this house in working order. I'm a planner-extraordinaire, right? Oh my goodness! LOTS of plans and thoughts and ideas. Paint colors, artwork, carpet, appliances...the list could keep going. Needless to say, the image I had of the house I saw on Sunday rapidly began to dissolve, while visions of my new castle danced around in my imagination. I was getting excited.

Skip a BUNCH of details that I couldn't even begin to explain...because I don't know squat about buying a house. And here we are today. I get home from work and find out that we're walking away based on an outrageous, unrealistic technicality. Talk about an emotional roller coaster.

In the last 2 days I've gone from being sick to my stomach at the thought of just being inside this house, to being terrified that we were actually going to buy this junk, to actually starting to fall in love with it, to watching it slip out of our hands. I take back every single time I ever made fun of those couples who get stressed out and cry on T.V.

Folks, house-buying emotions are for real. Not my kind of roller coaster, thank you.

I will, however, take a ride on this guy. But that's another post for another time.

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